Say goodbye to traditional development discussions!

Your manager invites you to the annual development discussion. Again, another useless chitchat. Forced by both of you. You’ll have a stiff dialogue and fill out the compulsory information on the form that is irrelevant for both you and your employer. After the session, the form is forgotten to wait for next year’s round. Sounds familiar?

Etlia decided to do things differently and focus on the employee’s wishes and plans. That’s how Etlia Career Radar – a new generation career coaching concept was born.

Etlia’s values include the appreciation of people, empowering others, trust, and continuous improvement of operations. Our ultimate purpose is to provide top experts with an environment and community with the best opportunities for professional development.

A unique career coaching concept

Etlia’s Career Radar is definitely not a boring development discussion. It is also not intended only for the few and chosen ones but for every Etlians, based on the voluntariness of course. It offers a concrete process and reference framework, which helps the coachee to get support and tools to pursue their career dreams, whatever they may be.

Whether you want to reach the top of your career at Etlia or set up a diving shop in Thailand in a few years, the purpose of Career Radar is to clear a path in the direction you want on your terms, without forgetting the support offered by the community and the company. We encourage all Etlians to move forward on their paths because we believe that freedom is the best way to care.

Etlia Career Radar is a career coaching program where an external career coach helps the coachee reflect on themselves, and examine their values, skills, weaknesses, and their career prospects. After this, with the support of the coach, the coachee builds their career plan with schedules.

We will tell more about our journey with Career Radar in the upcoming blogs!

Interested in Career Radar? We will be happy to tell you more! Feel free to contact
